Saturday, 23 January 2016


Photography is an Art we cannot live without.
Each photographer has a style and area of interest. 
Ours is #Commercial_photography_in_Nairobi_Kenya.
We shoot, edit and publish that artwork you want to visually communicate a message to your target audience across all platforms.
The trend has changed for  brands to innovatively package themselves so as to  solve loyalty and customer experience puzzle.
  • What impression does your business image create when associated with Plants, Persons, Physical features e.t.c?
  • Does it create an emotional connection with existing and potential clients?

Yours is simple, engage us for #Photography_in_Nairobi_Kenya and see the impact of imaging on a brand.
Photography process involves site selection, booking and action.Then re-touching to create a WOW effect.
We shot Photographs for;
  1. Adverts- Online, Indoor and Outdoor
  2. Merchandising,-Expos and promos
  3. Product Placement,
  4. Flyers and Bronchures,
  5. Online Ads e.t.c

Therefore enhancing products marketing in the market.
 With experience in the communication industry, a photograph means life in a business either showing a start, progress and growth.
Let our expertise bring life to your business.

Friday, 22 January 2016

In recent times Corporates have endorsed  professional photography in kenya to market their brand through advertisements.Local Photography is captivating and easy to persuade compared to online images which are edited to suit local content.The landscape is unique and locally defined.The people are lively,beautiful,diverse patriotic and ready to collaborate to bring your brand to life.Plants and animals define our products,trade ,values and cultural attributes that are a symbol of unity,wealth and variety. Corporates in Kenya should take this advantage to localise both products and 
Business meetings and conferencing

The advantage of using local content is that our diversity is exposed to the outside world.Models in Kenya gain international recognition to driving sales of products.Our beautiful landscape to attract tourism who in return promote Kenya economy.
Photographers in Kenya are equally competitive with the world at large in terms of skills and equipment’s but more advanced in creativity and innovations therefore giving you as an advertiser, edge to advertise using localised content.It’s said local content in Photography and video simulations is expensive ,we say;It all depends on your agreement with the Models and Characters .Otherwise local content is ideal to push sales in Kenya and aid in Marketing strategies in Kenya.
Start-ups and SMEs should embrace this idea to enhance their Marketing materials and also promote competition amongst Kenyan artists.
Photography in Kenya is an art we cannot ignore . Designhub consult have invested in state of the art equipment and skills to  canvas moments such as;

  • Business meetings and conferencing
  • Product launch and promotion
  • Advertisements design
  • Profile Design
  • Expo and trade shows…… or 0720 221333